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Sinfoil Dreams

Sinfoil Dreams is an interactive room installation, Sinfoil Dreams is the reflection of our wishes, hopes and dreams. We encounter our fears and our lust, our insecurity and fragility.Sinfoil Dreams is both seductive and fragile.… Sinfoil Dreams

Parallel Vienna 2024

I’m invited for an Artist Statement at the Parallel Vienna this year. You find me at Pavillon 7 in the Ground Floor, Room 11 Sinfoil Dreams…ist eine interaktive Rauminstallation, Sinfoil Dreams ist die Reflexion unserer… Parallel Vienna 2024

Suzie Q’s Sinfoil Dreams

…is an exhibition of an interactive room installation by Lars* Kollros and photos by Amalia Triantafyllou. Suzie Q’s Sinfoil Dreams are a reflection of our wishes, hopes and dreams. We encounter our fears and our… Suzie Q’s Sinfoil Dreams

Back To Athens 11 – Crossroads

With my Curtains Queer Phantasies and my Performance Resistance, Body,Sound and Vibrations I was invited to the wonderful art-festival Back To Athens again.

Post P_rn Art Festival Warsaw 2024

With the Performance Resistance, Body,Sound and Vibrations I was invited to the Post P_rn Art Festival Warsaw 2024.

A…cademy of Fine Kink x PFFV

Between 9. and 14.4.2024 I was part of the amazing exhibition A…cademy of Fine Kink with my works Resistance, Body, Sound and Vibrations and Queer Phantasies V.

Wien Konsent

Looking into the near future: The cultural funding of the City of Vienna finally supports pornographic films financially. Naturally, ethical criteria must be met for this, and the new authority „Vienna Consensus“ verifies their compliance.… Wien Konsent

Lyserød Sten

Beschreibung: „Lyserød Sten“ ist eine faszinierende Kunstperformance, die die Synthese von Bewegung und Starre, Klang und Stille, Mensch und Natur erforscht. In dieser Performance wird eine grau gekleidete Frau in ein pinkes Netz eingenäht, wobei… Lyserød Sten