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Avalonia Festival 2017

my film “60 seconds democracy” won the award as the Best One Minute Documentary at the Avalonia Festival 2017. link to festival link to facebook event

Festival of Democracy

82 Minutes, Germany 2018, DCP / h264 At 7. and 8. July 2017 the leaders of the EU and the 19 most developed and emerging economies of the world met in the city of Hamburg/Germany.… Festival of Democracy

Australian Music Week Film Festival 2017

I’m prout to tell you this exciting news: My film is shown at the Australian Music Week! Official selection of the film “Audio Engeneering” link to festival Press Information of Festival facebook-event

New website is online

Hell yeah! I finally did it! I finished my new website. And it took me only years since i registred the domain I drove last week to Požega in Croatia by bus and thanks… New website is online


Punk in the province

As I grew up in the province of black forest I know how hard it is to live there as an open minded person. That’s why I started writing the column „Punk in the province“… Punk in the province